Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Please Let Me Be A Doctor

Please let me be a doctor
I was born in 1992. By the way, I can say that I am a lucky because; I have everything that a human being should have such as a mouth, a nose, eyes and legs. Also my parents gave me a brain that is different with others. When they bore me they just saw trouble and pain. But my parents that I was their son so they gave me everything that parents should have, such as kindness and affection. 
When I was 5 years old my grandmother told to me everything about my family- “before you were born, you have an elder sister, at that time your mom lived comfortably and life was peaceful. Also your father, my son, he plays the lottery and drinks, but makes some money doing other jobs too. Your father won the lottery once and that made him happy, but he spent it on drink and didn't work to get money. Even though you win lottery if you do not work and waste the money by drinking alcohol (and lottery how long it will take?) Then your family was getting poor until they sold fish in the village to others. For those reasons my son, your father never talks about the lottery and cut out the alcohol”. Furthermore, my mom was not able to give me milk so I asked my grand mom, “why does she not offer me milk?”
“Because, she had to go to sell fish in other villages and life was a struggle. On the other hand she loves you so much.” Said my grand mom, she worried that I will struggle like her. 
When I was 7 years old my mom left me with my grand mom in the village, my mom had to go to work at another place. Living together with my grand mom we sold fried gourd and fried banana to get some money for our curry. When my mom was back she felt upset that I have to work at my age. My mom sent me to school when I was 5 years old and she asked me, what do you want to be when you will be grown up? I answered that I would be a military officer. My mom was not happy with this but she smiled. She wants me to be a doctor and help people that die without knowing their disease. 
My elder sister died when I was 6 years old. I did not know why she died at a young age . I got first prize in the first year of my school, my parents were happy and they were proud of me. When I was 10 years old my grand mom showed a plot of land of my mom’s and she asked her to sell this land. My mom sold it and got some money. Furthermore, my grand mom said, “buy one cow for me and the extra money she will keep under her bed. As soon as she got the money she fell ill, but there are no doctors and nurses in our village so we (my mom and me) had a problem. We worried for her but we cannot do anything for her and that’s why she died at an early age.
From that time, I decided to be a doctor and tried to be a doctor to help the people who were poor, also they do not know what diseases they are facing. They just cure what they had been known for many years so we cannot know are they cure correctly? Or not? For these reasons please let me be a doctor.

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